Accountability and Grading

Hey Everyone,

     Just in case you didn't get the email..... We had a team meeting yesterday and were told that we
need to find a way to collect work by students whether it is in the form of a log or a picture.  I have decided that google photos would be the best platform for me to use for each individual class.  I said before that it was not required to upload pictures, but after speaking with my team and admin., I am making it a requirement to upload a photo of what kids have been working on whether it is the actual assignment or an alternative assignment.  This will also be a way for kids to see each other’s work.  The 3-5th grade kids can upload pics on their own, or a parent can do it. Along with a picture of the work, they need to have the child’s name written on a piece of paper next to the work or on the work, so that I know whose it is. I would also like them to write assignment 1, 2 etc. next to their name. I would like at least one picture a week starting next week, but you are welcome to upload more if you want. Feel free to also start uploading pictures now if you would like. This is very easy to do if you download the app on your phone. Also, if you have troubles doing it this way, you can always send me an email with a photo attached instead, but I would prefer everything to go into google photos if possible. I am hoping this works seamlessly, but if it doesn’t then I might have to try  another way of collecting work. The links to the shared google photos are below according to each grade and day.  

The grading will be PASS/FAIL. All you need to do is upload pictures of the artwork weekly, so that I can give the student credit for doing the work. 

We also found out today that some of the youtube videos weren’t working for parents or students because they need to be approved by our tech. department first.  Going forward, I will need to email any Youtube videos to them first and they will have to approve it. I am hoping this doesn’t become an issue, so just be patient as we figure this out.  THANK YOU!

Arrilla Beatty


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