An Inspiration Box-Assignment 1

 Welcome back! 

   Assignment for April 1st

      When I was a child, I had a box that I would put anything I deemed important into.  I would now call this an inspiration box.  In this box, I put little trinkets that important people in my life had given me, interesting rocks I had found, feathers, pine cones, seeds, doodles, pressed flowers, poems, quotes, fortune cookie notes, 2 dollar bills, and anything else that I really treasured.
     To Inspire means to excite, encourage, and breathe life into. You can think of inspiration as anything that gives you that little fire in the pit of your stomach and that grows until you feel compelled to put something into action.
     Your first challenge students is to create or select an inspiration box or tin.  It doesn't need to be anything fancy, in fact you can decide whether you want to decorate it or not.  It could be a shoe box, a coffee tin, an old music box, a jewelry box, a cardboard box etc.  After you have made or selected a box or tin to collect things in, your next challenge is to start searching for things that inspire you or make you smile, to put in the box.  This could be an interesting twig, a beautiful leaf, a postcard, a piece of jewelry that your grandma gave you etc.
      This assignment is for all students K-5.  I would like you to use today to choose or create a box and start collecting items.  I will be doing this assignment at home as well and will try to update you with the items I have selected and how they inspire me.


Students will start collecting things that inspire them by either making, decorating, or selecting a container to put items into over the coming days and weeks.

Example of the inspiration box that I started to decorate is below.



  1. Do we need to submit pictures of our box and items? if not, how do we let you know we are working on this assignment? Thank you - Maddy's mom

  2. Also - the video says restricted and that we must be given permission view it. Please advise? Thank you, again Maddy's mom

  3. Max is also getting the same restricted message about the video.

  4. Aarav is also getting the same restricted message about the video. But the text is helpful. Do you need them to click a picture of the box and submit it to you/email it to you? Is there a submission date? Thanks.

  5. hi mrs .Beatty I cant play your video.

  6. Hi Guys! I guess if you are using a school device that it isn't letting people watch the video. I am working on it! :)

  7. If you have a personal gmail account, or your parent does, do it under that account

  8. how do we get in contact with you?

  9. My email


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