Stop and Smell the Roses!-Assignment 8-Option 2

Recommended for any grade level


To know and describe who the artist Georgia O'Keefe was and what kind of artwork she was known for by watching a short video.

Create a flower-inspired work of art by taking photographs of flowers in your yard and around the neighborhood to use as inspiration.  (The artwork could also just be the photographs that you take.)
My nephew stopping to smell the roses.

Hello Artists!

   This school year is slowly coming to a close. I want you all to know that I am planning on posting various project ideas, art-related videos, and updates through-out the summer.  I will check my email through-out the summer too, so if you want to send me a picture, video, or anything else that is related to art, you will be able to reach me.
   Around five years ago, my husband and I took a weekend to go to Santa Fe, New Mexico.  If you haven't been then you need to go!  We ate delicious food, went to various art galleries and markets, went on a few hikes, and visited the Georgia O'Keefe museum. I will never forget that trip, and we have been trying to get back there ever since. Here is the website for the Georgia O'Keefe museum in Santa Fe, NM.  This website also has a creativity page for kids.  Here is the link: Here is a short clip about her below, and some pictures of her flower paintings of which she was known for.

Here is an optional children's book to watch about Georgia O'Keefe

The following are pictures I have taken of flowers that I thought were exceptionally beautiful. I want you to do the same. After you have taken some pictures, then I want you to use the pictures as inspiration to create a piece of artwork with one or more flowers with media of your choice. Remember that media means crayons, oil pastels, paint etc.


  There are a couple of different demonstrative videos below on painting flowers if interested.


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