String Art-Assignment 8-Option 1

Recommended for grade 3rd-5th, but younger kids could do this with assistance from a parent or older sibling.


To use a string to make abstract designs by dipping the string into paint, laying it on piece of paper, laying two pieces of paper over top, applying pressure with your free hand, and pulling the string out with your other hand.

Materials needed: paper, thinner piece of string, water-based paint or are some options: watered down acrylic paint, watercolor, colored dye, colored ink, and if you are desperate then you could probably dye water a purple/blue color using blueberries.

Hello Artists!

      This school year is slowly coming to a close. I want you all to know that I am planning on posting various project ideas, art-related videos, and updates through-out the summer.  I will check my email through-out the summer too, so if you want to send me a picture, video, or anything else that is related to art, you will be able to reach me.
      This string project is another project that doesn't make you feel the pressure to draw everything just right.  I have posted a video below on how to do it.  I found this video online and thought it was a better quality video than what I would have made. You can also do this project using an old book. You would put the string onto a page in the book, close the book, and then pull the string out.


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