The Beauty of Birds-Assignment 8-Option 3

Recommended for grades K-5

Objective: To know and describe who John James Audubon was by reading about him and watching a short video.

To describe different kinds of pattern in art by looking at a poster and identifying patterns in everyday life or in nature.

Materials needed: paper, something to draw with
What I used: waterproof micron pen and watercolor paint

Hello Artists!

      For this lesson, you are going to learn about the artist and ornithologist John James Audubon.  An ornithologist is someone who studies birds. Audubon was known for his drawings in the book titled The Birds of North America. Please watch the video below to see the drawings that he was famous for.  You can also see the pictures from his book by clicking on the link here and scrolling down.  I want you to be observant and look for patterns and repetition of color and shape on the birds.  Audubon also uses a great amount of detail in his drawings, which is why people have used his drawings to identify birds that they see.

      There is an organization called The National Audubon Society. This organization was named after John James Audubon and they are known for their educational information and conservation of birds.  Conservation in this case means to keep the habitats of birds healthy, so that particular birds don't become endangered or extinct. You can explore their website here  They make a magazine that I have read for years, and I use the pictures from the magazines as drawing references for artwork.

     One element of art that many birds display is pattern.  On the poster below, they have an example of rhythm in art, that can also be called random pattern.  Please read about pattern below on the poster board.

      Many artists enjoy drawing, painting, and sculpting birds.  There are so many different kinds in different shapes and sizes.  They also have all sorts of patterns on their bodies and variations of color.  Today I am going to challenge you to draw the best bird you have ever drawn!  I want you to find a bird that really interests you, and attempt to draw it with as much detail as you can.  You don't have to make it look exactly like it does in real life unless you want to. I drew a hummingbird in micron pen with lots of detail, but then I painted it with the colors that I wanted to.  Micron pen is a waterproof pen that many artists love.  It comes in different sizes, but it is known for it's fine tip, which allows artists to draw more detail.  To gain some inspiration, I have posted a link and a video below.
Here is a link to learn more about various birds and get drawing references for birds:
Here is a link to a short video on hummingbirds on National Geographic:

Here is the process that I took to create my bird drawing...
Step 1:  I drew my hummingbird in pencil while looking at a picture of a hummingbird.  I don't have a picture of it in pencil.
Step 2: I outlined it with micron pen. I believe the size was 005. I then erased my pencil lines.

Step 3: I painted my bird in rainbow colors.  These colors are unrealistic, but I was painting it for a friend and the colors had significance to them.  I made it for her little boy's nursery, and they were using all sorts of colors for the nursery.  The rainbow is also supposed to represent joy after going through a hard time.
 Step 4: I started to paint other areas of the painting after the bird dried.

Step 5: Completed! 
