Face Props for Pictures- Assignment 5-Option 4

Recommended for grades 2nd-5th, but any grade level may try to do this!


To create a face prop to use to pose for pictures by using drawing materials, scissors, glue, and any long object to use as a handle.

Materials: I used watercolor paper(could use cardstock or posterboard), sharpie, watercolor, scissors, glue, and popsicle sticks. You could use different drawing materials, but I would use marker to do the outlining, so that it is bold. You could also use straws, chopsticks, or any other thing that you think may work as a handle.

Process: I drew my mouths with sharpie and then filled them in with watercolor. I waited for them to dry and then I cut them out.  I then glued them onto a popsicle stick.  After they dried, I started posing for pictures.

      Hello Artists,

       This project is very playful!  This project is about changing the way you and others see yourself.  It's fun to make yourself look different in the name of art.  Many artists and cultures use masks for rituals, ceremonies, hunting, or to make a statement. Now is your chance to make a partial mask to pretend to be someone else in your pictures and play around with the idea of facial expressions telling others about how you feel.  You will see that in my pictures below, not only do I put the face prop in front of my face, but I use facial expressions to try to match the prop. I had so much fun making these and I hope you do too!


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