Alternative Lessons

The following are alternative lesson ideas for drawing and sculpture if you do not have the supplies needed to do the assignment posted.  I will continue to add ideas to this page in the coming weeks. Scroll all the way down for more ideas.

1. Draw a carnivorous plant eating it's gardner
2. Draw a bird flying for the first time
3. Draw a garden that grows your favorite foods
4. Draw a planet we haven't yet discovered
5. Draw a new species of fish
6. Draw any of our Colorado state plants or animals
flower: Rocky Mountain Columbine
bird: Lark Bunting
tree: Blue Spruce
amphibian: Western Tiger Salamander
animal: Bighorn Sheep
fish: Greenback Cutthroat Trout
reptile: Western Painted Turtle
7. Draw yourself as a baby
8. Draw yourself as a 100 year old person
9. Draw yourself as half robot and half human
10. Draw peanut butter arguing with jelly about who goes on the bread first
11. Draw yourself with a smile so big that it almost covers your entire face
12. Draw yourself or someone you know on top of Mount Everest(tallest mountain in the world!)
13. Draw yourself in a fashion show wearing something CRAZY!
14. Draw a family member as their spirit animal
15. Draw a car made out of fish
16. Draw your cat being chased by a mouse
17. Draw someone in your family as a super hero
18. Draw your dad or mom as a child
19. Draw the best day of your life so far
20. Draw a 20 tiered birthday cake, with at least 30 candles on it!
21. Draw a candy land
22. Draw a food in the refrigerator growing arms and legs
23. Draw a futuristic kitchen appliance
24. Draw what a vehicle might look like 100 years from now
25. Draw your favorite toy
26. Design video game characters
27. Draw your family as different kinds of vegetables
28. Draw something you would see under the microscope
29. Draw yourself at 16 driving your dream car
30. Draw an endangered animal poster to bring awareness to others
31. Create a "Welcome" door hanging for your front door using anything you can find around the house and by making the letters unique
32. Draw a tropical vacation
33. Draw a scene from the Amazon rainforest
34. Draw the wedding of two wiener dogs
35. Draw your favorite meal
36. Draw two donuts tap dancing with canes and top hats
37. Draw a dragon flying above a city
38. Draw a flower garden
39. Draw a pair of geese flying south for the winter wearing sunglasses and Hawaiian shirts
40. Draw a pirate ship sunk at the bottom of the sea
41. Draw a hybrid animal
42. Draw a tree that grows anything you want
43. Draw a rock star
44. Draw a squirrel hoarding nuts for the winter
45. Draw a raccoon digging through the garbage
46. Draw a chicken that lays golden eggs
47. Draw a scene from your favorite movie
48. Draw a bridge that takes you from earth to the moon
49. Draw someone with crazy hair
50. Draw a rocket ship that takes you to another galaxy
51. Draw what you think an alien from outer space would look like
52. Draw a creature playing a musical instrument
53. Draw a quilt with different kinds of lines and patterns
54. Draw a slug leaving a slime trail behind it
55. Draw your art teacher's head made out of bananas
56. Draw a TV with a scene from your favorite show on it
57. Draw eight little monkeys jumping on the bed
58. Draw anything that you think could represent the word HOPE (example: For me an orchid represents hope)
59. Use sidewalk chalk to write and draw inspirational things on the sidewalk or driveway in or by your house.
60. Find an art demo on Youtube and do your best to use the information to create a work of art.

Sculpture Ideas

1. Try to make a sculpture using only tape
2. Make a rock cairn, which is rocks balanced on top of each other
3. Take a twig, stick, or branch and transform it into something else using stuff you have around the house
4. If you have wooden blocks at your house, make a sculpture out of the blocks.
5. Make a fairy garden in your yard with whatever you can find around the house
6. Make a weird look monster out of modeling clay
7. Turn a piece of paper into a 3-D work of art
8. Pose like a sculpture you find online and put the pictures side by side
9. Dress up in such a way that you become a work of art, paint your face if you can....document it by taking pictures
10. Create a sculpture using things from the recycling bin
11. Make a sculpture just out of pipe cleaners
12. Watch Origami videos and make a new kind of origami sculpture
13. Paint leaves and turn it into a mobile using a metal hanger (A mobile is a hanging, moving sculpture.
14. Make a design using random objects in your house (Using all kitchen utensils to create a design)
15. Make a color wheel using random objects in your home.


  1. do we have to do this or or are they just ideas,because I want to make something out of fruit?

  2. i'm using my moms computer so Kristen =Adeline


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