About the Art Teacher

Mrs. Beatty

About Me
Hello! I am the art teacher at Stargate! It will be my sixth year here at Stargate for the 2020-2021 calendar year. I received my Bachelor's degree in the Arts with a major in Studio Art from Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon. In 2012, I went back to school for another two years to pursue my teaching license in art education at Metropolitan State University. I am currently working towards getting my talented and gifted teaching endorsement. I have taken all of the classes, and now just need to schedule the test.  I am also a certified yoga teacher, although I am not currently teaching yoga. 
       I have many different interests and hobbies outside of art, but what I love about art is that art can be applied to every single subject area. I enjoy reading, going to museums, traveling, exploring Colorado, and spending time with friends and family. I am very passionate about health, physical education, social and emotional learning, environmental science, and biology. I enjoy an active lifestyle by running, doing yoga, hiking, biking, gardening, kayaking, dancing, and walking my dachshund, Winnie!  I am married to my husband Ben, and we have a little girl named Avlianna, who was born June 2019.

What I Love about Teaching
Teaching is such a privilege that I am grateful to have. As a teacher, I have the opportunity to make such a strong impact on so many lives. It is fulfilling to teach a subject that I truly believe is crucial for the cognitive, social, and emotional development of children. I love the energy in the classroom when all my students are engaged and turning their ideas into a tangible reality.

Here are some other things that make teaching my dream job....
The moments of genuine laughter because kids are natural comedians.
The feeling after a really successful lesson.
The possibilities of where the mind and imagination can go during the artistic process.
The joy I feel after I've seen a student succeed after struggling with something.
The excitement of experimenting with different media and trying something new.
You know that saying, "Choose a career you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.", that is how I feel about my job.  I look forward to going to work, and being with my students. 
How to Contact Me
Room - 148
Phone - ext. 148
email - arrilla.beatty@stargateschool.org

About Elementary Art Classes
Visual Art: provides Stargate students opportunities to practice their visual "Habits of Mind" - observing, reflecting, envisioning,expressing, persisting, exploring, developing craft and understanding the art world. We not only learn ways to discern and convey visual meaning, but we also make many connections to other fields of knowledge, including language , history, science, and mathematics.

My grading is based primarily on the process versus the end product. If students are putting a lot of effort into what they are doing then they are likely to do very well in my class.

The categories that I use for grading are:


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