
Showing posts from April, 2020

Paper Collage-Assignment 6-Option 4

Recommended for grades K-5 Objectives: To make a paper collage by using whatever scraps of paper you have lying around the house and arranging them into a composition. To define the word composition by reading the definition. To know and describe the artist Henri Matisse by watching a short video. Materials needed: Different colors of paper, scissors, and glue Hello Artists!       Today we are going to make a paper collage.  A paper collage can be made by cutting out and gluing shapes of paper together on a big piece of paper to make a picture or image. Composition in art is the way that you arrange the elements in your work of art. So composition for a paper collage would be how you arrange the pieces of paper to create a picture.       One artist that was known for creating paper collages was the artist named Henri Matisse.  There is a video on him below.  Please watch this video before moving forward with the assignment. ...

Pop-Up Artwork-Assignment 6-Option 3

Pop-up artwork is recommended for grades 2nd-5th, but anyone is welcome to try out this assignment. Objectives: To know how to pop-out part of your artwork by using either an accordian fold or a bubble fold. To know the terms background, middle ground, and foreground by looking at examples on a poster and reflecting on what would be the foreground, middle ground, and background when looking out the window or at a piece of artwork. Hello Artists!     For this assignment you will be popping a part of a painting or drawing out and that part of your piece will be the foreground or the thing closest to you in the picture. Please watch the video below to learn how to pop out your artwork. Here are two pieces of artwork that I made for 2nd Grade assignments below.  In the first picture, the dinosaur is popped out.  In the second picture, the spider is popped out. In both pieces, overlapping was used to communicate to the viewer that the dinosaur is in front o...

Shadow Drawings-Assignment 6-Option 2

Recommended for any grade level, but younger kids may need help tracing their shadows Objective: Create a drawing and or painting using shadows outside or by creating shadows using and arranging chosen objects. Define abstract art and non-objective art by using words and looking at examples. Materials needed: pencil, paper, a sunny day with shadows....and anything else that you want to use to turn your drawing into a finished piece of artwork. I chose to use oil pastels and watercolor to create an oil pastel resist. Hello Artists!          This next assignment requires you to go outside and get some sunshine.  You will be creating shadow drawings and or paintings. STEP ONE: Find a shadow and trace it using a pencil. Examples are below... STEP TWO: Take a look at the shadow drawings you have created and decide what you want to do to make them finished pieces. Remember that the tracings don't have to be perfect. STEP THREE: Turn y...

Drawing and Painting with your Feet or Mouth-Assignment 6-Option 1

Recommended for grades 3-5, but any grade is welcome to try this lesson. Objectives: To try to make a drawing or painting by holding a drawing utensil or brush with your feet or mouth and making marks on a paper or canvas Hello Artists!       There is an international organization called Mouth and Foot Painting Artists.  This organization employs and pays artists that have physical disabilities that use either their feet or mouths to paint. You can visit their website here  . Please watch the following videos about these artists that paint with their feet and mouths. Pretty inspiring, huh!?  Now it's your turn.  I want you to try drawing or painting holding a brush or drawing utensil with your mouth or your feet.  It gives you an idea of how challenging this is and how long it might have taken these artists to master their skills. 

Face Props for Pictures- Assignment 5-Option 4

Recommended for grades 2nd-5th, but any grade level may try to do this! Objective: To create a face prop to use to pose for pictures by using drawing materials, scissors, glue, and any long object to use as a handle. Materials: I used watercolor paper(could use cardstock or posterboard), sharpie, watercolor, scissors, glue, and popsicle sticks. You could use different drawing materials, but I would use marker to do the outlining, so that it is bold. You could also use straws, chopsticks, or any other thing that you think may work as a handle. Process: I drew my mouths with sharpie and then filled them in with watercolor. I waited for them to dry and then I cut them out.  I then glued them onto a popsicle stick.  After they dried, I started posing for pictures.       Hello Artists,        This project is very playful!  This project is about changing the way you and others see yourself.  It's fun to make yourself look dif...

Making the Ordinary Extraordinary for Earth Day!-Assignment 5-Option 3

Recommended for grades 3rd-5th, but any grade level may try this challenge!  Please watch this inspiring video for Earth Day before you move forward with this assignment... What materials do you think the mobile(hanging piece of art) below is made out of? Objectives: To take an ordinary object or objects that you would normally recycle or throw away and transform it into a work of art, by cutting it, shaping it, painting it, drawing on it, and or displaying it in a different way.  Materials: You may choose the materials you use, but it must be something that you are reusing. I used an egg carton, watercolors, embroidery thread and needle, watercolor,white paint pen, and scissors.  Hey Everyone!            For this project, I want you to take a normal household container or product of some sort and change the way people view it so much that it becomes a work of art. I chose to transform an egg carton into a hanging p...